Vending Machines from Toledo to Cleveland and everywhere in between
Firelands Vending is all about technology, which can be readily seen in the latest features our vending machines offer.
The Latest Advances in Technology

Mobile Vending Request App
The latest technology to hit our industry, we now offer an app to simplify service contacts. Whenever there’s a problem with a particular machine, the customer can visit our mobile website prominently displayed on the front of each machine and report it immediately. No more waiting to catch the route driver on his next visit or having to bother the facility manager with every issue.

Guaranteed Product Delivery Systems
Sure Vend technology incorporates infrared beams that can detect if a purchased product is vended or not. No more having to shake machines or deal with refund request hassles. If there’s a problem receiving your snack or beverage, the machine knows and refunds money automatically.

Cashless Vending
We offer machines with debit/credit card acceptors to make the machines much more compatible with our growing cashless society.
Bill Recyclers
Rather than dispense a handful of dollar coins for change, these machines provide bills.

Our machines feature wireless monitoring, which lets us know what the inventory level of our customer’s machines before leaving our facility. This not only allows us to monitor product performance, but we can also better serve you by loading our route trucks with exactly what’s needed to stock your machine before leaving for delivery.

Energy Star
There are features that allow your vending program to be more green. Machines are Energy Star rated with LED lighting to keep energy consumption to a minimum. This includes our temperature controlled machines, which do a much better job of keeping food fresh longer, but at a minimum of effort compared with older machines